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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

06 February - 12 February 2024

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the bottom of this email.

This week’s spotlight

Discover the inner workings of the EU Pension System in the European Commission Civil Service, funded by collective staff contributions. Uncover how pension benefits are intricately linked to employment grades and the potential impact of part-time work or parental leave on securing your retirement finances.

A word from our team

We would like to offer additional services to our readers, so we are considering the option of having our newsletter sponsored by relevant EU players. We will keep you posted with any new developments. We are super excited! 🙂 

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

(EBA) European Banking Authority Paris (France) 

(EIOPA) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Frankfurt (Germany) 

(Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation The Hague (The Netherlands) 

Court of Justice Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 

European Data Protection Supervisor Brussels (Belgium) 

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) Valletta (Malta) 

SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (S3JU) Brussels (Belgium) 

Yours faithfully,