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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

02 January - 08 January 2024

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the bottom of this email.

This week’s spotlight

Uncover the critical role of the shortlist in the EU agency recruitment process and its impact on your application's outcome. Learn about the scoring thresholds for written exams and interviews, and how the highest-scored candidates are typically offered positions first. Find out how being on the shortlist can open doors not only within the same agency but potentially in different agencies as well. Explore the potential challenges of this system, including the discretion of executive heads and the option to raise an appeal if you feel unfairly treated.

A word from our team

Wishing you a year ahead filled with boundless opportunities, joyous moments, and great achievements. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey—here's to a fantastic New Year that we hope will get you a new career in the EU civil service. ❤️ After last week’s one vacancy, the cycle is in full swing again - Best of luck in 2024!

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

(ACER) Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators Ljubljana (Slovenia) 

(CEPOL) The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training Budapest (Hungary) 

(CINEA) European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency Brussels (Belgium) 

(EBA) European Banking Authority Paris (France) 

(ECDC) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Stockholm (Sweden) 

(EEA) European Environment Agency København  

(EEAS) European External Action Service Brussels (Belgium) 

(EFSA) European Food Safety Authority Parma (Italy) 

(EIOPA) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Frankfurt (Germany) 

(EMA) European Medicines Agency Amsterdam (The Netherlands) 

(Eurojust) European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation The Hague (The Netherlands) 

(EUSPA) European Union Agency for the Space Programme Paris (France) 

Court of Justice Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 

European Commission Brussels (Belgium) 

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) Valletta (Malta) 

Yours faithfully,