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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

23 January - 29 January 2024

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the end of this email.

This week’s spotlight

Uncover the hidden advantages of working in the EU civil service beyond the attractive salaries. Explore lesser-known perks like no national taxation, comprehensive health insurance covering your entire family globally, and a generous pension eligibility after just 10 years of service. Learn about child benefits that increase your salary with each new child, expatriation allowances, extra holidays for working abroad, and travel allowances for your family. While the benefits are enticing, understand the potential "golden cage" effect and psychological challenges.

A word from our team

Our newsletter and services will always be free for our readers. The team of nextEUjob bears any and all costs incurred. For this reason, we cannot purchase expensive paid advertisements to reach a larger audience. But if you enjoy our content, please forward our newsletter to someone you think should become an EU civil servant. We greatly appreciate it! ❤️ 

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

(ACER) Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators Ljubljana (Slovenia) 

(CEPOL) The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training Budapest (Hungary) 

(CINEA) European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency Brussels (Belgium) 

(ECDC) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Stockholm (Sweden) 

(EDA) European Defence Agency Brussels (Belgium) 

(EEA) European Environment Agency København (Denmark) 

(EFCA) European Fisheries Control Agency Vigo (Spain) 

(EFSA) European Food Safety Authority Parma (Italy) 

(ESMA) European Securities and Markets Authority Paris (France) 

(Eurojust) European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation The Hague (The Netherlands) 

(Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation The Hague (The Netherlands) 

(FRONTEX) European Border and Coast Guard Agency Warsaw (Poland) 

Court of Justice Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 

Yours faithfully,