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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

01 August - 07 August 2023

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the bottom.

This week’s spotlight

Our newsletter and services will always be free for our readers. The team of nextEUjob bears any and all costs incurred. For this reason, we cannot purchase expensive paid advertisements to reach a larger audience. But if you enjoy our content, please forward our newsletter to someone you think should become an EU civil servant. We greatly appreciate it!

A word from our team

Slim pickings this week, dear readers! And no, it is not an error. We even double-checked the official EPSO website to make sure that you are getting the full list of vacancies about to close in the next seven days. But worry not, this is a temporary lull. A lot more vacancies are on the horizon and come autumn, everything will kick back to full gear! Enjoy the summer vibes, while they last! 😃 

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

Brussels (Belgium)

Council of the European Union




Copenhagen (Denmark)

(EEA) European Environment Agency

Expert - Air quality data



Helsinki (Finland)

(ECHA) European Chemicals Agency

Human Resources Assistant



Yours faithfully,