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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

12 December - 18 December 2023

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the bottom of this email.

This week’s spotlight

Discover the unique recruitment process for EU agencies, offering a chance for newcomers to join the EU civil service through a protocol similar to private sector recruitment. This guide provides insights into the candidate's journey, selection procedures, interviews, and final considerations, shedding light on the panel evaluation process, written tests, and personal interviews. Learn how to navigate the process, including the use of preliminary screenings, test structures, and interview stages.

A word from our team

Big thanks for sticking with us and being part of our weekly newsletter family! Your support means the world to us - seriously, it keeps our content engine running smoothly. We're always excited to bring you cool stuff every week and your subscription makes it all worthwhile. Feel free to shoot us any ideas or thoughts; we love hearing from our awesome subscribers like you! 🤗 

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

(EASA) European Union Aviation Safety Agency Cologne (Germany) 

(ECDC) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Stockholm (Sweden) 

(EDA) European Defence Agency Brussels (Belgium) 

(EEA) European Environment Agency København (Denmark) 

(EIGE) European Institute for Gender Equality Vilnius (Lithuania) 

(EIOPA) European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Frankfurt (Germany) 

(EuroHPC) European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 

(Eurojust) European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation The Hague (The Netherlands) 

(FRA) European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Vienna (Austria) 

Court of Justice Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 

Yours faithfully,