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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

04 July - 10 July 2023

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the bottom.

This week’s spotlight

Our latest guide exploring the Pros and Cons of Working in a Large EU Agency versus a Small EU Agency has been published. The key takeaway is:

The choice between working in a large EU agency or a small EU agency depends on your preferences, career goals, and work style. Large agencies offer more extensive resources, more diverse colleague profiles and additional career paths, but you might have less of an impact and will find it more challenging to stand out.

On the other hand, small agencies provide a more collaborative environment and versatility while facing resource constraints and potentially narrower advancement opportunities.

A word from our team

The Eurofound agency in Dublin has an opening. Agencies like Eurofound, EEA or CPVO are smaller sized agencies with very little turn-over. Always a good sign. Why sometimes agencies with a longer history are better can be found in our earlier guide.

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

Brussels (Belgium)

(ERCEA) European Research Council Executive Agency

Research Programme Agent

AD 6


European Data Protection Supervisor

Technology and Privacy Expert



Dublin (Ireland)

(EUROFOUND) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

Digital Transformation Manager

AD 8


Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

(CDT) Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

Latvian, Slovak and Slovenian - language translators

AD 5


Court of Justice

Irish translator

AD 7


Paris (France)

(EBA) European Banking Authority

Data Manager/ Analyst

AD 6


Warsaw (Poland)

(FRONTEX) European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Director of Governance Support Centre

AD 12


Heads of Sectors in Human Resources Unit

AD 10


Yours faithfully,