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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

16 May - 22 May 2023

As always, the full EU vacancies list closing in the next seven days is below. But before you scroll down, check out:

This week’s spotlight

We are publishing our latest guide! This time, we are focusing on the country coefficient. Did you know that the salary for each EU employee is adjusted for the cost of living in each location? So an AST3 role can have a much higher salary in EEA (Denmark) than an AST3 in EDA (Belgium). Conversely, that same AST3 salary in BEREC (Latvia) is much lower than either of those? Find out more by reading the full guide.

A word from our team

We are considering how we could further benefit our readers. One of the thoughts we played around recently, was to do an autopsy of a live vacancy notice. If you have a preference for which vacancy we should analyse in detail, please let us know by sending us the link to the vacancy notice to [email protected] 

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

Brussels (Belgium)

(CINEA) European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Financial Engineering Adviser


(EDA) European Defence Agency

Budget Officer

AD 7

European Commission

IT Service Officer

AD 7

Procurement Coordination Officer

AD 7

SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (S3JU)

Planning and reporting officer

AD 5

Budapest (Hungary)

(EIT) European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Human Resources Officer


Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

(CDT) Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

Service delivery manager

AD 6

Paris (France)

(EBA) European Banking Authority



The Hague (The Netherlands)

(Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation

Specialist – Information Assurance (Head of Office)

AD 6

Specialist - Integrated Operational Services

AD 6