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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

26 September - 2 October 2023

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the bottom of this email.

This week’s spotlight

Contact types in the EU civil service

Seconded National Experts (SNEs) are qualified civil servants from EU Member States who bring their expertise to the EU for a fixed period of time.

EU institutions and agencies recruit them whenever they need staff with the unique skills set that SNEs offer. These may range from technical, security, legal, financial, IT, communication, health, food or human resources competencies, to name but a few.

The exchange of expertise creates a win-win scenario and contributes to the development of effective and smooth working relationships between the EU and its Member States.

At the end of their period of secondment, SNEs take the experience acquired at the EU back to the public administration in their home countries.

Find out more about selection procedures and available job opportunities for SNEs.

A word from our team

Do you find SNE positions a viable option to get your next EU job? We include them in our weekly overview, but they can be very niche opportunities. Let us know your thoughts by replying to this email. We always love hearing from you! 😇 

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

Amsterdam (The Netherlands) 

(EMA) European Medicines Agency 

Brussels (Belgium) 

(CINEA) European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency 

(EDA) European Defence Agency 

Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 

European Commission 

European Data Protection Supervisor 

Helsinki (Finland) 

(ECHA) European Chemicals Agency 

København (Denmark) 

(EEA) European Environment Agency 

Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 

Court of Justice 

European Commission 

Paris (France) 

(EBA) European Banking Authority 

Riga (Latvia) 

Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) 

The Hague (The Netherlands) 

(Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation

Yours faithfully,