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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

23 May - 29 May 2023

As always, the full EU vacancies list closing in the next seven days is below. But before you scroll down, check out:

This week’s spotlight

In the latest guide, we take a closer look at the components of an EU salary. The full guide can be found here, but we offer a brief summary for you below:

The salary for working in the EU civil service is determined by the grade of the position, which is linked to a specific starting rate.

The basic salary is adjusted by the coefficient factor, which is based on the cost of living in various EU locations, with Brussels as the base value.

An expatriation allowance of 16% of the salary is provided to staff members who have moved to a new country for the EU job and do not hold the nationality of that country.

The family allowance is an additional component of an EU civil servant's salary that is provided to staff members who have dependent children.

The household allowance is provided to staff members who are married or in a civil partnership to help cover the costs of maintaining a household.

The children's allowance is provided to staff members who have dependent children to help cover the costs of raising them.

The pre-school allowance is a benefit offered to EU civil servants with children aged between 0 and 4 years old to assist with the cost of childcare and early education.

A word from our team

We want to remind you, our loyal subscriber, about the job vacancy analysis. If you struggle with drafting your application for a specific position published by EPSO, feel free to email us at [email protected] We will analyse the vacancy notice and list the items we deem most critical.

In case you are in a hurry, we recommend reading our guide on how to read vacancies.

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

(EMA) European Medicines Agency

Senior Scientific Specialist - Inspections

AD 8

Bratislava (Slovakia)

(ELA) European Labour Authority

Policy Officer

AD 7

Brussels (Belgium)

(CINEA) European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Project Management Coordinator

AD 5

(EEAS) European External Action Service

IT Officer


(ERCEA) European Research Council Executive Agency

Seconded national expert (SNE)


European Data Protection Supervisor

IT Security Auditor and Data Breach Handler


Legal Officer


Budapest (Hungary)

(CEPOL) The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training

Head of Sector

AD 5

Dublin (Ireland)

(EUROFOUND) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

Internal Control Officer

AD 6

Paris (France)

(EBA) European Banking Authority

Policy Officer


Prague (Czech Republic)

(EUSPA) European Union Agency for the Space Programme

Security Accreditation Officer for GOVSATCOM & IRIS²

AD 7

Riga (Latvia)

Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office)

Accounting Officer

AD 7

Strasbourg (France)

(eu-LISA) European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Facilities Manager

AD 5

Strasbourg (France), Tallinn (Estonia)

(eu-LISA) European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Business Analyst

AD 5

The Hague (The Netherlands)

(Eurojust) European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation

Security Assistant


(Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation

Senior Specialist - Head of Team - Top Organised Crime Groups

AD 7

Senior Specialist – Head of Team – Workplace Services

AD 7

Thessaloniki (Greece)

(CEDEFOP) European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Expert in policy analysis and qualifications

AD 5

Expert in quantitative research and data analysis

AD 6

Toulouse (France)

(EUSPA) European Union Agency for the Space Programme

EGNOS Ground System Officer

AD 6

Valletta (Malta)

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)

Human Resources Assistant