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Your nextEUjob weekly newsletter

12 September - 18 September 2023

As always, the full list of EU vacancies closing in the next seven days is at the bottom of this email.

This week’s spotlight

You can read our first guide on an FGIII salary by clicking on this link. It is designed to give you a better idea of what income to estimate when applying for FGIII positions.

A word from our team

We finally finished our first article on the salaries of EU civil servants, as per above 😁 This will become a series of guides where we analyze in more detail how the salary of different grades is calculated.

While we touched upon this subject already before, the topic could use a more concise article. We will start with lower grades and work up to the highest posts this quarter.

The following EU vacancies will close in the coming week

Amsterdam (The Netherlands) 

(EMA) European Medicines Agency 

Bratislava (Slovakia) 

(ELA) European Labour Authority 

Brussels (Belgium) 

(EDA) European Defence Agency 

(EEAS) European External Action Service 

Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking 

Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 

Council of the European Union 

European Commission 

Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU) 

Programme Officer - Call Coordinator AD 5 https://epso.europa.eu/en/job-opportunities/programme-officer-call-coordinator/ihi-2023-ta-001 Budapest (Hungary) 

(CEPOL) The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training Seconded national expert (SNE) N/A https://epso.europa.eu/en/job-opportunities/seconded-national-expert-sne/cepol-2023-sne-01 

Lisbon (Portugal) 

(EMCDDA) European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Human resources analyst FG IV https://epso.europa.eu/en/job-opportunities/human-resources-analyst/ca202301 

Luxembourg (Luxembourg) 

(EuroHPC) European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking 

Court of Justice 

European Commission 

European Investment Fund (EIF) 

Strasbourg (France), Tallinn (Estonia) 

(eu-LISA) European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 

The Hague (The Netherlands) 

(Eurojust) European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation Communications Assistant AST 2 https://epso.europa.eu/en/job-opportunities/communications-assistant/23-ej-12 

(Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation 

Senior Specialist - Coordinator - Operations Directorate Management Office AD 7 https://epso.europa.eu/en/job-opportunities/senior-specialist-coordinator-operations-directorate-management-office/europol 

Valletta (Malta) 

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) 

Warsaw (Poland) 

(FRONTEX) European Border and Coast Guard Agency 

Yours faithfully,